Pahile Debenture Vaneko K Ho Thorai Bujhau:
Answer: Debenture vaneko Rin Patra ho ra yo chai Company le issue garxa public bata loan lina ko lagi. Loan company le linu ko karan vaneko kita usle aafno business expand garna khojireheko xa athawa diverse garna khojiraheko xa athawa katai investment.
Tokiyeko dar ra samayama sawa tatha byaz bhuktani garne sartama jaari gariyeko dhitopatra lai Debenture vaninxa.
It is issued for longer period of time such i.e. usually 10 years.
Minimum interest rate given on Debentures in our country is 10%.
Benefits of investing on Debentures:
Answer: 1. Fix rate of return in form of interest even market rate fluctuates.
2. There is less risk in comparison to shares.
3. Company always pays Fix rate of return to debenture-holders even if company is running in loss.
4. Debenture-holders can easily get loan like Banks upto 90%.
5. Their prices are more stable as compared to shares.
Note*: Debenture NEPSE ma pani list hunxa ra yo dosro bazar ma kin-bech garna sakinxa.
Debentures Kasari Varne?
Step 1: Login to your Mero Share Login Credentials.
Step 2: On your left hand side, tap on My ASBA.
And, Step 3: Check for Debenture and tap on Apply.
Step 4: Fill all your detail like Bank Ac No., Applied Kitta, CRN No., etc.
Final Step: Tick Mark the Terms “I hereby declare…..” and tap on Proceed. After that, put your PIN and then the Debenture will be applied successfully.
Note*Mobile bata ni steps haru lagvag same hun tara user interface alikati le farak rahanxa. Tara we recommend ki hajur harule PC ya Laptop bata garda dherai sajilo ra information clear dekhnu hunexa.
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